Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dear Diary - 1.2

March 18, 2010
11:22pm (PHL)
12:09pm (JPN)

Dear Diary,

Feeling homesick today. The recent calamity that struck Japan makes me wanna go home in an instant. It's scary. I was at work when that 8.9 intensity quake hit Sendai. We were so blessed it was just 2.0 here in our town. Many what if's has been boggling my mind lately. It kinda make us prepare our own survival bag, with Swiss knife, passports, rope, lighter, flashlight to name a few. You will never know when to use it.
For now, I am still working as usual. I know that the Japanese government will announce if it is really dangerous to stay outdoors. Everyone here is bothered whether they will still have work or not because of the lack of spare parts that has been stranded in Tokyo. It is really affecting everyone. Could the 2012 prediction be true? Is it time to repent so we will be saved? No one knows. But we still have to live one day at a time. Whatever will be, will be.

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