Saturday, March 26, 2011

Texas Burger at Japan

Been wanting to try their burger since I saw a friend in FB who posted pics of this burger joint. And so me, my hubby and, Jen went to Texas Burger today to have a taste of their burger, being a burger aficionado myself.
The place was just little, 10 seats only. The open kitchen slash counter was amusing. You get to see how the burgers our prepared by only 2 staff, one was the owner. The decors shows that the owner must be a Harley Davidson rider of some sort, someone who have lived in the US.
So we were famished, I did prepare myself for this huge burger as they say. I only ate one meal before having it. We ordered the set Texas burger special with potato fries and a cup of soda. And when it was served, gracious, it was big and tall. All a burger-lover can ever ask: crispy fresh lettuce, lean bacon, fried egg, onions, 100% beef burger patty, soft bun, and I think 3 kinds of special sauce that made the burger distinct. It was burger heaven. Me and Jen were thinking how to eat it, it touched my nose as I take a bite.Hubby finished in 10 mins. while we finished the burger in 20-30 minutes. The skin-on fries was good too, crispy. But I like ZheZtah's mojo fries better.
The chef-owner was friendly enough to talk to us. I noticed that there was a Mr. Sushi car plate hung on the wall. We thought he must have been a chef in the US. At first we were conversing in Japanese, but I told my hubby to ask if he knows how to speak English and he said "No problem" in an American accent. Whew! I had a hard time speaking in Nihongo, marunong naman pala mag-English. He was a military chef for 20 years in Guam, and have worked in several hotels in Australia, New Zealand, etc. Quite an amazing resume, an aspiring chef like me could relate to his stories and outlook in life. We even mentioned that we owned a burger joint too in the Philippines but I said it was not huge as his burger. But he said it's always nice to eat burgers that are big. One thing that struck me was when he said "As long as the customer is happy, I am happy."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dear Diary - 1.2

March 18, 2010
11:22pm (PHL)
12:09pm (JPN)

Dear Diary,

Feeling homesick today. The recent calamity that struck Japan makes me wanna go home in an instant. It's scary. I was at work when that 8.9 intensity quake hit Sendai. We were so blessed it was just 2.0 here in our town. Many what if's has been boggling my mind lately. It kinda make us prepare our own survival bag, with Swiss knife, passports, rope, lighter, flashlight to name a few. You will never know when to use it.
For now, I am still working as usual. I know that the Japanese government will announce if it is really dangerous to stay outdoors. Everyone here is bothered whether they will still have work or not because of the lack of spare parts that has been stranded in Tokyo. It is really affecting everyone. Could the 2012 prediction be true? Is it time to repent so we will be saved? No one knows. But we still have to live one day at a time. Whatever will be, will be.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Very Own Pancake Recipe

When I was still a kid, I remember playing "luto-luto" with my childhood friends. I used all the leaves that i saw in our backyard, and all the utensils in our kithcen. Hehe. Not knowing that it showed my passion for food now that i am a grown-up. More over, i used to observe my Grandma Lala while she was cooking us some pancakes when i was around 8 years old. She was also the one who taught me how to cook pancakes when i was ready enough to face the gas stove.

Well, i sure did learn from those moments. And i realized that my Grandma Lala has taught me a lot of stuffs pala while i was growing up. I miss her though.

Anyway, for a long time i have been searching for the perfect pancake recipe.. a pancake that is soft, fluffy, and yummy and of course, something i will make from scratch.. While still on the search, i tried a lot of ready mix pancakes available in the market. Not Pillsbury, Maya hotcake mix is good. But when Magnolia Pancake mix came out recently, i certainly loved it. It's the best pancake mix ever.
Now that I am in Japan, I was desperate enough to have my favorite magnolia pancakes. So i continued my research, and viola!!! I tried some internet recipes and tweaked some measurements to suit my perfect pancake! Super soft, fluffy, not too thick and yummy . And when it gets cold, it is still soft as when it was freshly cooked. And I will share it with everyone who also loves pancakes as much as i do..

1 cup all-purpose flour (sifted) (120 grams)

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

4 tablespoons white sugar

1 large egg

3/4 cup whole milk (175ml)

3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted or 3 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

>extra melted butter for greasing the pan.

It's easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Place all dry ingredients in one mixing bowl -- flour, salt, baking powder, sugar. And whisk it to disperse all the ingredients.

2. Put all the wet ingredients in one mixing bowl -- egg, milk, and melted butter. And beat until blended.

3. Pour the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and beat it using a wooden spoon or wire whisk. Do not overbeat, beat until just blended. It is just fine to have lumps in this pancake batter or else the pancakes will be tough.

There you have it. In cooking this pancake, I suggest a non-stick pan so it is easy to flip it.

Heat the pan on slow fire. Brush some melted butter or oil on it. When it is heated pour enough batter, just big or small enough, any size you like it eaten.

Now here is the secret, you will know when to flip the pancakes is when there are a lot of bubbles forming on top. It is important to cook the pancakes on slow fire. The slowest possible fire in order not to burn it. The other side of the pancake will cook more quickly, maybe 15 seconds or more, so don't be afraid to flip it again to check.

Serve with butter and pancake syrup. I suggest Karo pancake syrup or better yet maple syrup. If you do not have syrup, orange marmalade will do.

-- Place slices of cheese after pouring the batter on the pan, and cover it using a spoon, so it won't burn when you flip the pancake.
--If you want thinner pancakes, add more milk.

Happy Eating!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My one and only Hero.

Me to him, his only girl. I am Papa's only girl. No words can express how much I thank him for taking good care of me, and for guiding me all throughout my life. You became "Papa" at 18. When every guy seem to just enjoy their teen years during that age, there you were preparing my milk making sure I don't get hungry, that I stop crying, and putting me to sleep on your tummy. It must have been hard for you. But later I knew why you were overprotective of me wayback. I may have been disobedient during my teenage years regarding boyfriend things, but when I grew older I knew for what purpose was he strict with me. He did not want me to fall in the arms of the wrong man. He just wants me to be with someone who will take care of me as much as he did.
Pa, I may not be expressive enough in actions how much I love you. But I know you do. Well I guess I must say these: Thanks for building a strong foundation for our family. For doing all your best just to keep us together amidst our trials. Thanks for guiding me in every decision I make. Thanks for always making us laugh. Thanks for taking care of me, Mama, Kong, and Jofran, and Isha and Popoy. Thanks for being a great father to us. Thanks for rescuing me during that dive. Thanks for teaching me how to drive. Thanks for teaching me how to swim. Thanks, I was able to graduate from college. Thanks, I have a happy married life and a loving husband. Thanks, for fighting for your life 11 years ago. And please continue fighting for us and for your other "Apo's" to come. We need you. And we will always do. Life is meaningless without you and Mama. Family is not a family without you. I love you Pa. And it's my turn to take care of you and Mama when your hair turns gray, grayer, grayest. Let us all grow old together as one family. Let's just hang on. Kaya natin 'to!

Happy birthday PA!