Tuesday, August 31, 2010

POV - Hostage Outrage

The recent tragedy that made a dirty mark in our Philippine history has become worse than ever. This could not have been big if right decisions were made by the authorities. It only shows how bad our system is. I am very proud to be a Filipino. But now that these Hong Kong people hates us to the nth level, are we still going to shout out loud and die for our country just to admit that we are Filipinos? Public figures being shouted at and passports thrown at them? These Hong kong people has nothing but rage in their hearts. Pano na lang kaya kung ordinaryong Pinoy lang tulad natin? It forces us to deny our nationality for the simple reason that we do not want to be ridiculed.
Of all the news that we are highly discriminated by Hong Kong, I wish someone would defend us. Why hate the majority if it was only done by ONE. This is making me sick. I see some Chinese people at work, I wonder if they think of throwing slushies on our face when they see us. Just being a Gleek. Hehe. But if they want war, let's give them war!! Bring it on!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Cough-ly speaking

I miss being a Respiratory Therapist. Even if I am not working as one,that does not mean I could no longer be practicing. In small chit chats with some friends, I happened to find out that some people's belief about a simple cough or asthma are purely myths. So I have come up with a list of what you may think are true, but are actually just myths.

1.You can catch cough if you drink using the infected person's glass.
- False. Anyone having cough or colds can spread the infection through coughing, sneezing, talking in front of you or just beside you. These bacteria that cause cough are airborne, meaning, it is transmitted through air.

2. You can catch TB by using the infected person's utensils or by drinking on his glass, or through kissing.
--Just the same as no.1. TB is an airborne disease, spread through inhaling the infected person's breath while he coughs, talks or sneezes. You may be contaminated with his saliva, but you need gallons of it in order to get TB. You can only get TB if you are in constant close contact with the infected person. Meaning, you are together 24/7.

3. You can catch pneumonia if you dry your sweat in front of the electric fan.
--Super myth. I usually hear some people saying "magkaka-pulmonya ka pag natuyuan ka ng pawis". So not true. Pneumonia is caused by a bacteria or virus, that is spread through the air when the infected person coughs, talks or sneezes. It may only trigger cough, but not catch pneumonia.

4. Asthma is contagious and is spread from person to person.
--Asthma is hereditary. If anyone in your family has asthma, chances are, you can have it too, from the day you are born. You can't just get asthma because an asthmatic person coughs beside you. It is not an infection, rather, an inflammation of the airways where the air passages become narrower making them harder to breathe.

5. Asthma can be cured.
--Up to this time, there has been no cure for asthma. It can only be controlled by medications and lifestyle changes, but it can never be cured- irreversible is the medical term for this. Once you have asthma, you have it forever. There are some cases where exercising regularly or doing any active sports helps them control their asthma.

So to further spread infection, one must use a disposable face mask such as this:


And the right way to do when coughing or sneezing is to cover your mouth with a handkerchief or towel. This will prevent the the bacteria to float in the air and infect other persons. You should not spit out anywhere. When you have cough with phlegm, and you want to spit it out, you must spit it in a tissue paper, and throw it in the trash can. By doing it the right way, there will be lesser disease, and a healthy environment for our kids.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Two Hearts. One Love. One Family.

I'd like to write today to commemorate the 28 years of solid love between my parents. It also signifies 28 years of my existence on this planet.
The love story of my folks is quite ordinary. But how they made it through the years despite marrying at an early age of 18 makes them an exceptional couple. My Mom and Dad are each one's first love, thus they live up to the motto "First Love Never Dies". Not all childhood sweethearts who fall in love, got pregnant, and married despite being young, survives marriage.
We can all fall in love and marry at any age, but how to survive being married is a challenge for both husband and wife. And the challenge grows larger with the presence of children, the fruits of their love. So for a family to stay together as one unit, it will be up to the parents how they keep their family bonded.
I have seen my family go through trials and triumphs. We have gone through a lot of trials in our life as a family. The most challenging of which was when we had to give up the only source of income we had before, losing our cars, and even our house . We left and lost everything in Gensan. So we had to live with my grandparents in Davao. Me and my brother studied there for a year. I can vividly remember that I only had enough "baon" for a piece of bread which was far different from when I used to study at Notre Dame, I had 15.00 for baon.
When we came back to Gensan, my parents let me study again in Notre Dame because they did not want to sacrifice my education. They had to ask help from my grandparents because they could not afford my tuition anymore. But it was not long, my parents found a way so they could pay our school's tuition. They ran a "karinderya" in front of the YBL terminal. From a top class auto repair shop to a simple karinderya that is. From having a 4x4 land cruiser and a car to a 2 wheeled motorcycle. "Pero hatid sundo pa rin ako".
During that young age, I was in grade 5 back then, I admit it I was quite ashamed with our status that time. It was hard for us kids because we had to adjust from having everything we wanted, to having ONLY what we needed. I could not imagine right now that it was way more difficult for them. But my parents were not embarrassed about this shift, as long as it sustained us. As long as we had shelter, food, and education. As long as we remained as one happy family. They taught us how to adjust to our situation. "Tiis lang muna tayo" is what they used to tell us. And we have learned a lot about life because of that.

They kept reminding us that it won't be long and that they will do everything just to recover what we lost way back . "Family gud!" was our motto, and is still our motto up to now. They never gave up because they do not want to have a broken family. They did everything just to bring us back to our feet again. They held on to each other, they held on to their vows to one another, they held on because of LOVE.
I do not know how my folks did it. But I love them so much for not giving up amidst the ups and downs of life. This became my foundation. And I will raise my own family just the way Papa and Mama did. Happy Anniversary Pa, Ma!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kikay? So not me..

I am known to be that boyish type of girl, when others are known to be kikay and fasyuhn (fashion). Pano ba naman, being the only girl among the Zuzon's made me choose to be influenced by their hobbies that usually boys do. Taekwondo?Off-road?Scuba diving?Gun firing? I've done all those. Kulang na lang pati basketball. But, I am proud to have learned those. It made me what I am now, a fearless, confident, independent, and an empowered woman. Buti na lang I took it in a good way noh? Or else I would become tomboy.
And so while busy with those stuffs, I became a late bloomer when it comes to make-up and dressing up to look girly. I never had a single skirt in my closet during highschool. I only had jeans, and loose shirts, and rubber shoes. I only combed my hair, put lip balm, and cologne then I'm good to go. Kinawboy ba. Hehe. College? A little improvement, I put tinted blush on my cheeks para rosy cheeks kuno, wore tight fitting tops to look a bit sexy, wore flat sandals when I'm in the mood, but only bought skirts
for the prom or PE night. Only when needed.
But lately, I have been buying skirts and sun dresses and wore it occasionally. It came as a surprise for me when one day, I woke up, and I told myself, I want to learn make-up. A whole lotta BIG change for me.
I just realized how behind I am from my highschool classmates who can make their selves look good. I also realized, that we have to look good para di mag mukhang matanda. Hehe. I don't know, but I am not the only one my age who problems about getting dark spots, wrinkles, and pekas when we get older. Ayaw namin maging losyang!!
So it was just 2 years ago when I started to get serious on my sunblock routine every morning, because I only wore sunblock dati when I swim or dive. And it was only last year that I got serious on putting on moisturizer, when I really needed to because of the winter season here in Japan. But one thing I have been doing since highschool was the use of body lotion. And it paid off. My skin is still soft until now, kahit na di flawless. I also don't want to be flawless, I just want clear skin without pimples. I also remember my late Grandma Lala who never fails to put on body lotion and facial moisturizer every night. She still have supple skin until the age of 70.
When everybody's ranting about wanting to get white, not me. I love the outdoors so much that wanting to get white is only a waste of money and time, I'd still get dark anyway because of being exposed to the sun while swimming or diving. Bahala na baluga.

At this moment, I have been buying make-up. I even bought a 96 color eye shadow palette, but that is for the photo shoots me and my hubby will be doing. I have been practicing to do make-up on myself. The outcome is quite good. I also bought BB cream, the latest fad nowadays. So not me.
Well, for all that I have been up to these days, I realized, it's never too late to do the things you have never tried before. It's always fun to try things first time. Oh, as long as it's not drugs. Explore stuffs that did not interest you way back. It's all about not being hesitated, and the love to venture into different aspects that will make life worth living.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

RT memoirs

One day it struck me. While I was working, the reality that my work now is far different from the profession I graduated from got into me. A realization that came to me upon hearing a familiar sound I used to hear in the ICU. Yes, I used to hear the ventilator's alarm when the patient resists to breathe, the sound of the cardiac monitors bugging on a low oxygenated finger, the sound of the nurses taking blood pressures... All that to me was music to my ears.
As happy as I was back then, I think I would not be able to survive for years pursuing my career. Let's face it, the wage was not enough. And I know my fellow RT's would agree with me on this. That's why almost all the RT's I knew went to the UAE, for a brighter tomorrow because that is the only country where we are accepted as we are, no-board exam professionals. There is no US dream for us. Since we do not have board exam in the Philippines, nobody from the Western Part of the world would hire us. And that battle to amend our board exam is still afloat until now.
Why? People in the congress? When our work as medical professionals include caring for a critically ill patient, trying to fight for dear life. Their life is in our hands because we take care of the oxygen they are paying for to breathe. When all other courses out there that does not call for dealing with persons are given board exams, even those simple ones. Poor respiratory therapists. We are most needed in any hospital, but our population has ended because of the lack of board exam. And in some hospitals, we are already substituted by medtechs and nursing aids.
So, even though the sound I am hearing right now at work is noise to my ears, I am highly compensated hearing that.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dream Cookware - Calphalon

Since I got to love cooking, next to baking that is, I tried to buy quality untensils and cookware such as a Zwilling knife, Tefal pan, and a pricey Calphalon pan . Being a pioneer in the hotel and restaurant business, I asked my Tito Alex what is the best cookware and he answered Calphalon. And so my wish of having a Calphalon set began. When I checked the price in the stores, well, it was way above budget. So I bought only one for starters. A sauce pan. Using my first Calphalon pan, I learned that it heats quickly, and when it's hot, the temperature becomes steady. Mine i
s a non-stick, so cooking and washing it is a breeze.

Despite it being a bit expensive, it will definitely last for a long long time, and maybe a good hand-me-down and "pamana" as it also has a lifetime warranty. I have my sauce pan for 2 years now, and it still has no scrapes. Well, maybe depending on its use. But I have no regrets buying it at all. It will last a lifetime. Really durable. What's more interesting is that I can use it in the oven. It is oven safe up to 500 deg F.
And so last week I found a 2-piece pan with a free thong at a store which only cost 7,000 Yen, I hesitated at first because we still had a Tefal pan and a brandless cheap pan. But when I saw my other pan with the teflon scraping off, I told hubby that we really should buy that Calphalon set. It is a steal!! It was on sale from 19,000 yen to 7,000 yen, a limited time offer as the ad says. Why the heck did i hesitate? Having 3 Calphalon cookwares on hand, my passion for cooking will grow even stronger, and the foods that I will cook will be more delicious. Hehe.