Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Why ZheZtah???

"How can I be a businesswoman?" I look back thinking about that when I was in college. But during that time, I was busy studying the human anatomy and physiology. I did not take up a business course since I had no interest in it way back. All I ever wanted that time was to be a doctor. But during my sleepless nights things like owning my own coffee shop or restaurant  came into mind. I wanted to own one, but probably during those times, no.
 Oh well, as the world turns so as a person's interests. Getting myself prepped to do business did not came instantly. While working as a Respiratory Therapist at St. Elizabeth hospital, I sold RTW's to fellow colleagues at a "pautang" basis. I really don't remember what  came into me that I did that. I was shy when it comes to "singilan". I guess I can't be a sales lady. I have no PR skills actually. But all the RTW's were sold out with the help of my fellow RT's who told their friends to buy.
   Next one. I sold siomai and mais con hielo at our neighborhood when I resigned from work after 3 years since I had to wait for my visa. The sales was good. I had no picture of my little stall since FB was not yet the trend those days.
 Then a lightbulb moment came. To free me from boredom, why don't I  put up a burger shop? So I brainstormed and asked some suggestions from my parents since my  family our born food lovers. But that was not enough. We also had to learn how to cook. All of us knows how to cook. My mother trained me  when I was in highschool but  food did not interest me that time.  Being a self-confessed burger lover,  I re-invented my Tita Liza's burger recipe. It was a trial and error cook-out. I had to add and reduce the ingredients then cook it, and taste it in order to come up with the taste that suit my standard. Then my family and friends would have a taste test.
  Selling burgers would not be enough, so I thought of variety. Since I loved pasta and sandwiches, I put in my spaghetti and sandwich recipes. The chicken was Papa's suggestion, since he knows how to cook garlic chicken.
We had more space at our house, so I used my Grandma Mading's small area at the front for my little canteen so I need not rent. So, when everything fell into place, tada, Ziesta was born in October 8, 2008.  Why Ziesta? Who is Ziesta? A lot of people would ask. I coined it after "siesta" where in people would just relax and chill.
Running Ziesta was a learning experience for me. I made the menu, the food photos, the logo myself being the kuripot woman that I am. I was also  the one buying chicken at the palengke riding a tricycle, I had only someone to carry the goods I bought. I only had one staff. There was a time my cook resigned so I had to do the cooking and serving myself.. A business should still run even if an employee is not around. It was tough, but I loved it. I loved what I was doing. Through Ziesta, I discovered my inner passion for food.
 When my visa came, I had to leave my business to Mama. Fortunately,  more and more customers loved our chicken and burgers but since it was not airconditioned, it was not a suitable and comfortable place to dine. It became more of a take-out place. If it rains, there were no customers too because there was no place stay.  So it was a go signal for me that I have to continue on with the business I started.
In Japan, all I ever thought about was Ziesta and how to improve it. I jotted down all the ideas that came into mind. . I bought some stuff to be used in the restaurant and placed it in the balikbayan box. I saved my salary for the renovation budget. Hubby supported my decision to expand Ziesta and we both saved for it. Somehow, browsing on my Yummy magazines inspired me to pursue building a bigger diner. I loved how cute the plates, table mats, and food presentation were used in each of their photos.

  In December 2009, we went home with a firm decision to expand the business. Again, me and my family brainstormed and planned. Good thing my uncle, Tito Alex, who has been in the 5 star hotel and restaurant business for so long, taught me about food costing. I also consulted some of the dishes in my menu. We added steaks since my family loved t-bone steaks so much. The renovation took 4 months. We had to ensure everything was complete before opening. We also had to apply for a business license, that was the time I thought,  wow this is getting serious. Still being the kuripot me, I made everything from the menu lay-out, inventory forms, etc.Food photography was done by my hubby.
I used Canon point and shoot cam for food photography.Lay-out by me
Canon 20D used. Still my lay-out.

We re-opened in March 28, 2010 under ZheZtah, since that was the name approved by the DTI. This time, I had 4 staff already. I was glad with what the restaurant had turned out. The interior designer, Nadia did a great job, and also the Engineer, my uncle, Tito Glo who supervised the construction. They did a great job in achieving my goal to make it a cozy, not so "sosy"place where anyone, even if the ones who are just wearing slippers and "pambahay" can come in and enjoy good food.

So there it is!! My pride and joy. A restaurant I can call my own.  The blood and sweat from working our ass off in Japan. Finally, a dream come true. No dream can't be achieved if you worked hard to get it. This is what I am destined for. This is my true passion, Food.
The tables were custom made. We used old diving oxygen tanks as the stand.

The second floor is part of the old house.

 Today, based from the customers who come in to eat, I can say that ZheZtah is slowly making a name for itself even if we do not spend on advertising that much. I still have big dreams for ZheZtah, like to be featured in food magazines someday. Someday.

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