Monday, January 24, 2011

Dear Diary - Pilot post

January 24, 2011
8:48am (Phil)
9:38am (JPN)

Dear Bloggy,

im havin coffee on this very very cold day.. just got back from Pinas last thursday. i got too emotional, because it is always hard to leave home. Papa got teary-eyed upon knowing i was to leave soon. he forgot siguro na 1 month lang kami stay, he thought we would stay 3 months. i cried until i rode the plane. i never wanted to leave where i loved everything i was doing; baking, taking care of isha, playing with baby Popoy, chitchats with my folks, managing ZheZtah, bonding with friends and family. At home, I am at peace. I have nothing to think about as long as i am with my hubby, and my family. i am so much attached to my family.

we were brought up this way. Christmas was a bit lonely for us. Even though there was an additional 2 sa family, minus 1 temporarily. but i have always believed that everything has a purpose. I believe that God has a reason for every thing that is happening with our lives. I am not much of a pray-the-rosary, Angelus, and 3-0'clock prayer, never- miss -mass- on a sunday- type of Catholic, but my faith in Him is very much intact. I pray. I thank. I apologize. I ask.
I always ask God to make my parents happy and rid them of the emotional burden we are in right now. I just want them to be happy. I want them to be worry-free. I know it's a bit hard, but I just have to keep praying. Because I know He does not give us burdens we could not carry. Tiis lang. Carry lang.

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