Monday, October 11, 2010

It's Fall once again!

ven without knowing the time, you will know how many months have passed with the change of season.. Summer has gone so soon, now it's fall once again. I get so emotional whenever I see how the seasons change, and how it affects the surroundings and the beauty of nature itself. I love seeing the seasons change , it sorts of uplifts my spirit making me realize how God is so brilliant. The leaves slowly withering, changing its color from green to brown, then it eventually falls to the ground, which signifies it is indeed fall. The hot summer wind changes as the cold wind of autumn touches my cheeks. And all I can see are the colors of the barren trees, the withered leaves on the road, and the orange and yellow colors of my favorite withered maple trees.

Somehow, you see how the city changes differently as the temperature gets lower. As if it surprises your eyes, that the park you pass by everyday to work , now has barren trees. The beauty of nature.

At Sogi Park. November 2009. "Illumination" is the term here, where they put spotlights on the maple trees, thus creating reflections on the water.

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