Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Naturally speaking

I walk about 5 minutes to and from our apartment to the bus stop everyday. Whether the weather be chilly cold or rainy, I walk- for work. It might be quite far but I consider it a form of my daily exercise. Think positive, I always do.
Today on my way home, it was so lovely to see the blossoming sakura trees all around town while the golden sun was waving goodbye. Sakura depicts spring time, my favorite season. Oh nature and its beauty.
I have always been in love with nature. Each day becomes a different one when nature works itself wonderfully. It may be raining at one time, then later you see a colorful rainbow. Or when at night, you see the full moon at its roundest and brightest, or sometimes a golden moon comes out to say hello. This and all that makes me feel grateful I am alive. It makes me feel lucky I can see all these magnificent sights. It makes me feel that God truly exists and I should thank Him for dear life .

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