Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Deep blue sea.

I so miss diving. Remembering my first breath of oxygen under water wayback year 2000, I was so afraid to touch the sea grass. Being under the sea for about 30 minutes or so gives me peace. It is as if I am in another world, the sea creatures' world. I have loved the beach since I was little, but through diving, I realized how wonderful it was underneath that I even swam like Ariel in The Little Mermaid.

Since I was so fearless back then, I kept diving and diving until 2008. Boat dives, night dives, wall dives, drift dives at Tinoto, Camiguin, Davao, Maasim, Glan, and Gensan. With all these dives, I always brought a net bag with me, where I pick up garbage underwater. Can you imagine how people can dare to leave their trash in the sea while swimming? Junk food wrappers, bottles, cans, combs, juice packs, etc. This is why divers organize an annual underwater clean up to lessen underwater garbage that can cause death to the fishes and destruct the coral reef. We usually do this clean up at |Lion's Beach, Maharlika Beach, Tropicana, and London Beach. Among these beaches, I must say that Maharlika Beach has the most beautiful coral reef in Gensan. There is a vast array of staghorn corals underneath that attracts fishes to make it their home. I have seen rare kinds of fishes here. But the problem is the water has a lot of silt, making the corals and fishes not so visible from afar. Some fishermen also tend to destruct the corals by using nets to catch fishes. I hope the management at Maharlika Beach would take effort in taking care of their beautiful reef. I always loved diving here because I see different kinds of species every time I dive. I have even seen a sea turtle swimming around one time, and also a big octopus which was hiding under the reef dome. This and all that gives me delight when diving. It makes me appreciate nature even more. And I do hope that all of us will give importance to our beautiful beaches. So that our children's children will also have a chance to glimpse what is underneath the deep blue sea.
Lion's Beach, Gensan (those red ones are soft tree corals)

Frogfish at Maharlika Beach, Gensan

Monday, November 8, 2010

Family matter..

I may have not blogged for a while. When I was younger, I used my negative emotions to write poems and essays as an outlet. To let go of it thru writing. But now it is different. Now, I have become more mature when dealing with my emotions, and I'd rather keep it to myself and pray.

Someone asked me what my weakness was and it took me sometime to think deeply what it is. It is my family. I grew up having my parents and brothers always around me. We were taught that the most important thing is having a complete family, my Mom and Dad never wanted a broken family. They did all means just to keep us binded despite the storms that went our way.

A family can never be completely happy. We had to go through different trials to test our faith and love for one another. Although we are not used to show our feelings, we know how much we love each other, how we care for one another. One's problem is everyone's problem.

I never asked for anything fancy from God, my simple wish is that we will all grow old together as a happy family. I want my parents to see their grandchildren get married and have kids. I want them to always be there for us to guide us in the decisions we make. I just want my parents to live peacefully, now that we their kids are all grown up. But it seems so impossible right now. Sometimes, I ask God why we have to go through another trial. It never seem to end. But then, we just have to trust in Him, that He will always be there, coz He never gives us problems that we could not carry. For now, we just have to lift up everything to Him. I believe one day, this will all end, and my family can be genuinely happy once again.