Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Precious Moments..

It is every married couple's dream to have children of their own. Some are blessed to conceive easily, but to some, it takes hard work and patience to finally know that there is something so precious inside her womb. It just so happened that we belong to that some who waited long.
Planning to have a baby takes two to decide. Since we underwent a long distance relationship that deprived us to be with each other's arms 24/7, we decided to have a baby after we have enjoyed ourselves to the fullest, and knew each other more. But at some point, when we were ready to have a baby already, it became hard. There was even a time that we regretted family planning. I had myself checked, my ovaries were okay. The doctor said maybe we were just stressed out. Well, it was not time, we said. But like other couples, we tried everything. We took other couple's advices on love-making, the do's and dont's. We even tried monitoring my basal temperature to check the day when I was fertile. In the long run, we gave up doing those stuff. But, we never gave up on our prayers. We continued on asking God to bless us with a baby. We waited. He gave it.
It took us 2 years. When everybody's debating over the RH bill, here we are just wanting to side on the anti, since it became hard to conceive.
Just looking at those 2 lines on the test kit overwhelmed the both of us. It was surreal. But when I finally went to the doctor and had my first ultrasound, I could not believe what I heard, the baby's heartbeat. It brought me tears of joy. Having a baby in a mother's womb is indeed a miracle. A wonderful miracle to be taken cared of, and be grateful for. While I am still in awe, i have to prepare myself for this journey. It somehow scares me, since it is my first time I think there are a lots of things I do not know about motherhood. But I am lucky I have my Mama beside me all the time, to teach me everything she knows. I know I will be a good mother someday, because Mama raised me how to be a good daughter, I will raise our baby the way she did.