Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cupcakes fever..

Gahd it's been a month since I have blogged. Been busy with my cake orders, and just recently someone who just added me on Facebook ordered 160 cupcakes to be used as the cake for her debut. Good thing we had 5 mutual friends, and my cousin knew her too. I thought it was a bogus customer. All the while I was hesitant to add contacts that I never was acquainted with. But it makes me think twice, like this, possible customer pala.. That was by far my biggest income in my pastries and cakes biz. Imagine, I was able to bake 160 of it in just one day. It was
a rush order. I did not have the time to prepare for the boxes since it was to be traveled by land 6 hours to Chiba, Tokyo. I am so happy with the outcome of the cupcakes. Brings out the artistic me.. Realized that when opportunity knocks, do not let it slip away, and be grateful for it.